Journal Information
eISSN: 2805-5160
The Journal of Data Sciences (JoDS) is an international journal, which publishes original research articles dealing with the emerging and high-growth fields of digital information and big data.
JoDS is an international, scientific and open access periodical published in accordance with independent, unbiased, and double-blinded peer-review principles.
JoDS produces one volume annually and accepts rolling submissions from authors. The publication language of the journal is English.
The Journal of Data Sciences welcomes article submissions. Submit your article today and gain worldwide visibility for your article.
About the Journal
The Journal of Data Sciences (JoDS) is a double-blind peer reviewed journal that provides quarterly publication of articles in areas of digital information and big data and its applications such as economics, business, or the healthcare fields as well as articles for in-depth understanding about relevant technologies, techniques, and analysis tools. The main objective of JoDS is to provide an intellectual platform for international scholars.
JoDS promotes the introduction of new scientific and applied research and encourages interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research in data sciences. It is committed to the sharing of knowledge beyond the single-discipline or single-country by offering a meeting space for scholars at large.
JoDs publishes theoretical and empirical work, systematic reviews, applied research, and services about the following but not limited to Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Mining, Predictive Analytics, Optimization, Social Network Analysis, Analytic and Diagnostic informetrics, and so on.
Original research papers and state-of-the-art reviews are invited for publications. It also hopes to encourage a culture of writing and publishing among academicians, graduate students, practitioners, and others interested in the related research areas.
The journal is published online.