Journal Information
eISSN: 2805-5187
The Journal of Business and Social Sciences (JoBSS) is an international journal, which publishes original research articles dealing with Business and Social Sciences.
JoBSS is an international, scientific and open access periodical published in accordance with independent, unbiased, and double-blinded peer-review principles.
JoBSS produces one volumn annually and accepts rolling submission from authors. The publication language of the journal is English.
The Journal of Business and Social Sciences welcomes article submissions. Submit your article today and gain worldwide visibility for your article.About the Journal
The Journal of Business and Social Science (JoBSS) strives to be an international journal that publishes scholarly works and encourages the development of knowledge. It is a multidisciplinary OPEN ACCESS journal that encourages authors to write, debate and critique contemporary issues facing the world especially relating to the 17 principles of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Special attention is given to writings that uphold humanity, morality and ethics, sustainability, integrity, and fairness in all areas of social science. The journal accepts high quality qualitative and quantitative papers, theoretical, conceptual papers and critiques in business and management, humanity, and social science. Papers of significant novelty will be considered. Works that satisfy the spirit of our journal will be carefully considered for publication. All submissions are carefully reviewed to determine their fittingness for our journal. Papers that come within the angle and intent of this journal will be vigorously reviewed. JoBSS produces one volume annually and accepts rolling submissions from authors. JoBSS is owned and published by INTI International University, a premier private university established in Malaysia (https://newinti.edu.my/) and the repository of papers online is managed by INTI International University’s Tan Sri Abdul Majid Library. JoBSS is published online.
Focus and Scope
To offer a platform for dissemination of positive ideas, critiques, reviews and or debates to uplift humanity, integrity, moral, ethics in contemporary management and social issues.
To collate, generate ideas of positive social impact through writings, publication, and a platform for networking.
Although JoBSS is a multidisciplinary journal, we emphasise publications and or reviews on contemporary issues, debates that have positive social impact, and discussions that uplift humanity.
This includes topics relating to (not exhaustive):
- Gender equality
- Responsible innovation
- Corporate governance and ESG
- Ethical marketing
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Stakeholder engagement
- Ethical advertising
- Cult branding & compulsive purchase behavior
- Poverty and social dilemma
- Forced labor and human trafficking
- Sexual harassment at workplace
- Discrimination at work
- Human rights and equality
- Greenwashing
- Corporate reporting and Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI)
- Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME)
- UN Global Compact (UNGC)
- Any other topics that have a positive social impact.
Topics that are not considered by JoBSS (not exhaustive):
- Religion
- Politics
- Sexualism
- Terrorism and violence
- Law
- Public policy
- Any other topics that are deemed sensitive
Types of Works Accepted
JoBSS accepts both qualitative and quantitative papers that satisfy the spirit and intent of the journal. However, JoBSS places special attention to papers that engage in theoretical debates and publications that positively impact society. Conversely, JoBSS is less interested in micro causal research that has limited positive social impact. In recognition of this, JoBSS accepts the following types of works in addition to conventional research papers:
- Article Eeview
- Literature Review
- Critique and Commentary
- Case Review and Analysis
Expected Quality of Manuscripts
All manuscripts submitted to JoBSS must demonstrate (1) development of knowledge that positively impact society, (2) presents an essential gap of research or a viewpoint that is subject to critical debates and (3) the issue should be a contemporary concern of society.
Target Authors
JoBSS aims to attract philosophers, academics, scholars, and students to submit their work though this channel.
Publication Policy
JoBSS adheres to Elsevier’s Publication Policies and all redress of conflicts, disagreements shall be resolved following the principles enshrined in the same.
JoBSS adopts the Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).
JoBSS is a double-blind peer reviewed journal.
All works submitted must be in the English language.
Journal Indexing
Publication Frequency
JoBSS accepts rolling submission and publishes one volume annually. However, although JoBSS accepts rolling submissions, the review process will take place every quarter of the year, that is January, April, July, and October so that we do not over stress our panel of reviewers.